The Funnercise Handbook was my first novel, finished in 2006.

It was rejected by 137 literary agents and/or publishers before I conceded
the truth (that the book was terrible) and wrote East of Denver.

The website was kinda fun, though.
fascinating, really... in a nutshell... What you're in for... A little meta pleasure...

#7 Park at a Distance

Drive less and work out more with this simple
suggestion: Use the parking spot the farthest from your destination.

There are four reasons why this is good Funnercise:

1) It saves you the gas of driving around until you find that perfect spot.

2) It gives you up to a hundred yards of walking each way.

3) No one is ever parked in the farthest spot, so
it's always available.

4) There's the added bonus that you will never
forget where you parked.

Click the arrow to move on!






#8 Spread the Word



Wear ear plugs.

This vomin won’t help you at all.

But it will help those around you. By wearing earplugs, you force people to shout in order for you to hear them.

Believe it or not, shouting burns five times as many calories as speaking in a normal voice. AND it increases oxygen to the brain.

Your friends will thank you later.















#9 Mental Funnercise

News flash! The physical aspect of Funnercise is just the portion of the iceberg that's underwater.

Ten percent of Funnercise is MENTAL!

Try reading the following sentence: Dnim eht setalumits gnitirw drawkcab gnidaer.

Impossible, right? It must be Latin
or Olde English or some gibberish
language. Wrong! It's English, just written backward. Go back and try again.

See? Reading backward is fun. Plus, it works. Leonardo da Vinci, a genius of the Renaissance, wrote everything backward. He was healthy every day of his life, until he died of syphilis at the age of sixty-seven.













#10 Heavy Hydration


Doctors recommend drinking eight glasses of water per day.  I recommend that you instead drink eight pitchers of water per day.

A pitcher weighs more than a typical drinking glass (1.7 lbs vs. .23 pounds on average) so the very act of drinking is a vomin.  Plus, there’s the added bonus that, with more water in your system, you’ll have to make more trips to the restroom.

Plus, water is healthy.












#11 Nocturnal Commissons

Most of us sleep 7.8 hours per night and for the duration, we do absolutely nothing.

Place something heavy on your chest (books or bricks) while you sleep.

If you breathe 10 times per minute with 12 lbs on your chest you’re lifting 39,312 lbs over the course of the night.

Now you’re doing something.




Can you read this?
Tiny typefaces are a great way to exercise your eyes. 
I call it "funnerc-eyes".















#12 Metabo-Coldism


Lower your thermostat to fifty degrees. As a warm-blooded animal, your body is its own furnace. Why in the world would you pay the utility company to heat your entire house when YOUR OWN BODY can do the work for free? Your body won't warm the whole house, of course, but it doesn't need to.

Your body just needs to keep itself warm. Your house doesn't care if it's warm.

Your house doesn't have feelings.

Your body is smart. It doesn't want to die. Keeping you alive in the cold burns extra fat. As a bonus, you'll have to eat more food just to keep up with the caloric expense of retaining your core body heat.

Everybody likes eating.

Click for more fitness!




















































































































That's all vomin we have today.  But now you're at the very bottom of a very long page! 

Think of all the calories you'll burn as you scroll all the way back up. 

Or click the arrow to return to the home page.

















































































































HA! HA! HA! 

You're even further down the page now. Think of all those calories you'll burn as you twiddle your mouse.

Now this is funnercise!

If you're tired, you can click the arrow to return to the home page.